What is Swiss Chard? 

Swiss Chard – The vegetable that regulates the level of blood sugar

A very close relative of  beetroot and coming from the same family as spinach and kale, swiss chard is a vegetable from which we use the leafs, tasty and crispy.


The swiss chard has a high concentration of antioxidants and other nutrients which detoxify, stop inflamations and regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

Only two servings of swiss chard weekly and we have all the vitamins and nutrients needed every day!

Where to get swiss chard? From Gradina Sociala AMURTEL!! Make an order by Tuesday afternoon and pick up your order at one of our delivery points: Amzei 1, Strada Almas 16 Sector 1 (zona parcul Bazilescu), Str. Foisorului121 (zona Mihai Bravu)

Place an order by calling: 0745.019.611

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