Thank you to Opinia Buzau!
We are so delighted that Valentina Bucur from Opinia Buzau wrote an article inspired by our annual letter to launch the beginning of the 2021 season! Valentina called me and was delighted to learn more about how the members of our Gradina Bio CSA partnership are providing vegetables also for the children at our social projects, the AMURTEL Family home, a safe place for twelve mistreated children to grow up with lots of love, nutritious food and opportunities to heal and grow.
Members provide vegetable baskets for the 12 children at AMURTEL Family
Every week, at least three baskets go straight to the home. Sometimes, there are a few more, when occasionally members of Gradina Bio decide to donate their basket to the children as they are perhaps on vacation or for some other reason have difficulty picking it up. It is a wonderful way to ensure organic vegetables for your own family and at the same time, enjoy the bonus of knowing that you are sharing the vegetables also with the children.
One of the benefits of belonging to a CSA: a warm, direct relationship to your producer
Indeed, with only 35-40 members per year, we enjoy getting to know all of our members of the CSA personally. This is one of the positive aspects of belonging to a CSA (community supported agriculture). It creates a warm, direct relationship between you and those that are cultivating your vegetables. In contrast to the anonymity of a big super-market, where you are profiting investors in some far-away company, here you have the satisfaction of directly supporting a small, local producer. Similarly, Cristina and Daniela, who work in the fields and prepare the baskets, know the names of your families when preparing your baskets, and are delighted when they receive some positive feedback. They prepare each basket with personal care and attention.
Here is the link to the full story: The story of a basket of vegetables that also feeds vulnerable children
Still six places left
There are still a few more spots left for this year’s membership. Please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to reserve a place too! More details about the subscriptions here:
– Didi (0744565252)[:]