Article in “Adevarul” newspaper

Our small team preparing the baskets for delivery!

Our small team preparing the baskets for delivery!

In the first article published on May 11, the Adevărul team found out that at the AMURTEL Bio Garden everything is done through the trust between the small agricultural producer and the client who knows that through his subscription the AMURTEL Family is also supported. You can read the full article here.

Didi had some very important points that he conveyed to the Adevărul team, about how organic agriculture works at the level of the AMURTEL Organic Garden, about the challenges we encountered during the pandemic and how we deal with them.

“This type of partnership helps reduce the burden of poverty in disadvantaged rural communities. At the same time, the consumer is sure of the quality and origin of the food that reaches his table, making a real long-term investment in his health and that of his family, ”explains Didi Deshaies.

The article published in the newspaper Adevărul talks about the price of subscribing to the organic basket, what these costs mean for farmers and how the costs are correct both in terms of vegetable quality and for people who work every day in the organic garden.

In the second article, the Adevărul team wanted to find out more about the experiences that didi had until arriving in Romania, which led her to found the AMURTEL Bio Garden.

Foto by Adevărul

Foto by Adevărul

Here is what Didi said about organic farming: “Here in Romania, it was a great joy for me to get in harmony with the seasons. At first it was frustrating to go to the market and only find spinach once a year. But now I can’t wait for spring to appear to eat the tasty strawberries, which are not always available. I am happy with every product that is going to go out in the garden “, confesses the American settled in Romania.

You can read the full article here.

We thank Medeea Stan and Iulian Bunila for the very beautiful articles written about AMURTEL Organic Garden


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