
[:ro]Adresa Gradinii Bio AMURTEL:

DN 10  Buzau-Brasov 126,  Poieni, jud. Buzau, Romania



Coordonatori Bucuresti:

  • Didi: ‭(0744) 565 252‬
  • Laura: (0743) 161 757‬

Coordonatorul Poieni:

  • Cristina: ‭(0741) 113 660‬

Cine cultiva legumele noastre?

Cristina si Daniela sunt vecine si prietene bune de cand erau copii! Ele sunt femei harnice, foarte serioase si dedicate. Lucreaza la Gradina Bio AMURTEL din 2012!

 cristina gradina bio watering


AMURTEL Bio Garden Address


DN 10  Buzau-Brasov 126,  Poieni, jud. Buzau, Romania




Coordinators for  Bucharest deliveries

  • Laura: (0743) 161 757‬
  • Didi: ‭(0744) 565 252‬

Who grows your vegetables?

Cristina and Daniela have been working at Gradina Bio AMURTEL since it opened in 2012. They are neighbors and best friends since they were little girls. They are both very hard-working, sincere and dedicated to bringing you the best vegetable baskets possible, all throughout the season.

cristina gradina bio watering[:]

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